
Recruiting is a supply-constrained marketplace in which talent is the limiting factor, yet traditional talent platforms and recruitment agencies primarily focus on the experience and incentives of the demand side, the employers and recruiters that pay for subscriptions or 30% fees while neglecting talent. This misalignment of incentives leads to professional networks having the lowest user engagement in the social network landscape and, thereby, 80% of professional data on job boards and talent networks is stale*. It's clear that talent acquisition could be more efficient and ripe for disruption. Bondex aims to create a superior professional network by catering to the needs of both job seekers and employers, prioritizing the experiences and incentives of users (i.e., talent), mirroring those of hiring professionals.

The Internet of Jobs (IoJ) represents a decentralized architecture that facilitates an ongoing and seamless exchange of labor for monetary compensation, operating at the convergence of Web3 and the Labor Market. This innovative framework has the potential to integrate value transfer as an inherent characteristic, reducing dependence on centralized intermediaries that possess unilateral control. By doing so, IoJ empowers the emergence of peer-to-peer labor marketplaces like Bondex

Web 3 adoption has so far been driven by speculation and limited by its complicated processes, interfaces, and lack of use cases. For the majority of people, their financial lives are dependent on their jobs. Therefore, we believe that Web3 won't go mainstream until the Internet of jobs enables mass adoption. Bondex seeks to facilitate the widespread adoption of Web 3 by utilizing its technology to modernize and democratize professional networking and hiring.

Bondex's mission is to democratize access to global talent and opportunities by creating a disintermediated talent marketplace where Web 3 natives and beginners can connect to find jobs, stay informed, learn new skills, build productive relationships, and advance their careers to succeed. A distributed Web3-enabled talent network, Bondex is redefining the economic model of a professional network, engendering a new value-sharing business model. This novel approach distributes the value amongst its global talent pool and hiring companies, setting it apart from industry incumbents. This strategy effectively aligns incentives for long-term growth and more meaningful interactions.

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