The Bondex Points

Bond points may be earned organically or purchased in-app and must be used to perform various actions due to the bonding mechanism; this entails putting up tokens as collateral to perform an action, which are promptly returned upon successful completion. In the case of poor performance or negative action, bonded points are lost.

The below table shows the actions that require bonding, as well as how ‘success’ and ‘failure’ are defined.


Job application

Basic background initial screening stage is passed

Basic background initial screening is not passed

Connection request

Request accepted

Request denied by recipient, or is unanswered for 14 days

Cold outreach message

Message accepted

Message denied by the recipient or is unanswered for 14 days

Warm outreach message (message with a recommendation from mutual connection, requires lower bond than cold message)

Message accepted

Message denied by the recipient or is unanswered for 14 days

Candidate referral

Candidate passes the screening stage

Candidate does not pass screening stage

Undertaking tests to gain credentials (provided via third party assessment provider, e.g. Hackerrank)

Test is passed

Test is failed twice, or 14 days elapsed since time of bond without passing test

Signal interest to be selected as a juror in dispute resolution court

Answer summons and confirm participation within 7 days of receiving summons

Failure to respond to summons and accept case within 7 days of notification

Voting in dispute resolution case

Vote in the majority (majority also receives slashed bond of minority)

Vote in the minority (upon which bond is slashed and distributed among majority)

sers can engage in various activities within the ecosystem, such as updating their profile, verifying credentials, inviting others to join the network, participating in events, and creating communities. These actions enable users to accumulate Bondex Points without requiring any upfront bonding. Users can enhance their reputation and increase their Bondex Points by undertaking these activities, further contributing value to the ecosystem. Importantly, these actions do not have significant consequences for other users if they perform poorly, thus eliminating the need for economic incentives tied to quality.

Additionally, users can earn badges by successfully completing actions or achieving specific milestones. These badges play a role in determining airdrop weightings for users.

Note: Please note that the behavior and incentives associated with Bond Points may be subject to change due to new or revised regulations from the Apple Store. Bondex will adapt and modify the system accordingly to ensure compliance with any regulatory requirements.

Last updated