Web 3 Job Portal + Crowdsourcing Hiring

Desktop Job Portal

This will be our biggest product launch since the company's start, the MVP, which will commercialize the platform. Employers and recruiters will use the portal for Job listings, creating company and recruiters profiles, and enabling building candidate funnels and hiring processes.

The Bondex job portal and talent marketplace will leverage Web3 technologies, Machine Learning (ML), and an internal talent team for reviewing candidate skills and suitability against the requirements of the role, shortlisting candidates for testing and interviews, enabling vetting and verification much faster and at significantly lower costs.

Referral Bounties

Bondex will introduce referral bounties as incentives, allowing participants to earn fiat, stablecoins, or tokens. This strategic approach ingeniously transforms each network participant into a recruiter or sales agent, thereby accelerating and creating virtuous network effects within the Bondex Ecosystem. Not only does this benefit the users, but it also turbocharges the growth and success of the platform.

The Bondex referral program operates similarly to the ones at renowned companies like Google or Amazon but with a critical difference. While traditional referral programs are limited to incentives for employees within the company, Bondex expands these incentives to millions of network participants, transforming them into recruiters. Hiring companies will post referral bounties, specifying the amount they will pay users who successfully refer the ultimately hired candidates. Users can take on the recruiter role, make a successful referral, and receive the bounty as a reward. This program not only brings qualified users to the network and adds skilled participants to the talent pool but also supercharges the network effects of Bondex. It provides an effective way to compensate and benefit all network participants. Companies benefit by acquiring high-quality candidates and achieving hiring results comparable to recruitment agencies, all at a significantly lower cost. By crowdsourcing the recruitment funnel, Bondex revolutionizes the process at a fraction of the expense associated with traditional agencies.

Roadmap 1.0 will end when we have achieved parity between Job Portal and Mobile App, creating a full professional network based on peer-to-peer referrals and a tokenized economy

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