The Core Product and Beyond

The Bondex Products and Services are based on four pillars:

1. Gamification

  • Increase engagement in building a professional identity, advancing a career, and networking.

  • Track the value users are providing to the network.

2. Tokenization

  • In our value distribution mechanism, users are rewarded for contributing to the network's success by partaking in the value accrued.

3. Referrals

  • Users can refer their connections to job opportunities to earn significant fiat bounties.

  • Companies get better candidates and fulfill hiring at a fraction of the cost while achieving faster recruitment processes.

  • Users can also refer companies to the network to enjoy revenue sharing from their expenditures on the platform.

4. Education

  • Education is a crucial pillar to enable professionals to upskill and train in emerging technologies and in-demand skills.

Roadmap 1.0

As part of our Roadmap 1.0, Bondex is set to introduce crucial features into the ecosystem. Our primary focus is facilitating the matching and exchange of talent through our Mobile App and Desktop Job Portal. We have crafted this plan meticulously to foster growth and active participation, ensuring we provide the best platform for users on both the supply and demand sides of the market. We have successfully developed all the elements for an impressive core product launch, boasting a global community, a substantial user base, and 20 Beta Clients ready to engage in job matching and talent exchange. Once we achieve improved hiring cycles and empower our users, we will embark on Roadmap 2.0.

Last updated