
The Bondex Ecosystem is the first economically aligned talent marketplace powered by TalentFi. Connections, messages, referrals, credentialing, and more all have economic incentives attached in order to regulate and incentivize high quality interactions.

Traditional talent marketplaces have low risks of actions; high volumes are encouraged as they carry higher expected value. Unfortunately, this leads to spam and low quality interactions between market participants.

Bondex applies the concept of BONDING to interactions between different entities within its economy - leading to more productive engagement. In this system of bonding, users are required to deposit Points in order to undertake actions, which they are liable to lose if the action is performed poorly or unsuccessfully. If successful, bonded Points are returned to the user. This market design helps foster genuine connections due to reduced noise in the system.

Points in this context are used to quantify participants’ reputation and credit; they enable this mechanism of attaching a tangible cost to low quality interactions, as well as a tangible benefit for high quality ones. This creates a new paradigm for talent networks in which these incentives are explicit, as opposed to implicit and less palpable.

The web3 values of creating positive-sum games and user ownership are adhered to. The marketplace is owned and controlled by economically-aligned participants; wherein they may participate in governance (not initially; over time an increasing number of aspects will become subject to decentralised governance), and capture a portion of the financial value they help create. This is in stark contrast to web2 models where value is often extracted at the expense of said participants.

Bondex’s novel economy design introduces a positive flywheel, where value is both created and captured in a sustainable manner.

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