Mobile App

Our genesis was led by the Bondex Origin App, a Beta Mobile Application designed for user acquisition by utilizing Bond Point rewards and gamification to attain exponential consumer/user growth through network effects and virality. The app will continually upgrade and evolve into the Bondex App with its large existing user base, which will have its web equivalent and eventually offer 100% parity with all services offered under the Bondex brand.

How does the Beta app work? Gamification at Work is designed for people to build their reputations, create a large community, and reward engagement

  1. Download the app from Google or Apple

  2. Build your profile and get a base Bondex Rating

  3. Includeeducationandworkexperiencetoboostyourrating

  4. Uploadyourresumetoboostyourrating

  5. Invite more users to boost your rating

  6. Come in daily to start your earning Cycle

  7. The rating determines the rate at which you earn Bond Points

Following a successful institutional seed round in the summer of 2022, we established an internal tech team dedicated to enhancing the app design from Beta to Version 2. By gathering valuable user feedback, we significantly improved the user interface and overall experience. Additionally, we have implemented a new token design centered around the in-app premium currency model and Jobs matchings and applications into the platform. Our next step involves launching a limited number of jobs in collaboration with a handpicked group of top Web 3 companies, who will serve as our Beta clients. This exclusive cohort will closely collaborate with us, enabling us to iterate on the technology and demonstrate the superiority of our hiring cycles. Ultimately, our goal is to accelerate the commercial release of the platform.

The next step in our evolution is V3, from Beta to MVP

This version will include key networking features such as user discovery and in app-messaging, delivering on our vision of a professional networking app. The key upgrade of this release will be enabling bounty referrals for users connected to the Web-based Job Portal.

Last updated