The Problem

Existing talent networks and their structures rely on the antiquated extractive work model, excluding talent or users from the economic gains while monopolizing their professional data. This lack of incentivization leads to low engagement and stale data, which creates inefficient hiring cycles damaging both the employers and talent.

Legacy professional networks and hiring practices fall short in the following ways:


Talent acquisition is an expensive and time-intensive pain point for every organization, in any industry and of any size

  • Average staffing firm fees range from 10-30%

  • Existing platforms take 3-4 weeks to provide candidates

  • Studies show avg. 48 hours spent screening candidates per hire


Users / Talent often lack compelling reasons to actively engage with platforms beyond their job search/posting, resulting in disengaged user bases, low response rates, and stale data.

  • 75 - 88% of resumes received are unsuitable or stale

  • The average engagement rate per post on LinkedIn in 2021 is 0.355

  • The lack of engagement and responsiveness contributes to a rise in spam,

    resulting in talent seekers and valuable proposals getting lost in the

    overwhelming volume and noise.

  • Gen Z and Alpha have entirely different sets of values and aspirations.

Unfair Profit Monopolies

  • Middlemen and aggregators retain most of the economic benefits and monopolize user data.

  • Talent is submitted to opaque processes and biases.

  • Even with free platforms, the user data is the product without them

    partaking in its monetization.

  • Traditional platforms monetize user connections and networks through

    social graphs without sharing that information with them.

Last updated